Customer satisfaction survey

24 March 2016
Customers have given Emma a 7.95 score in the customer satisfaction survey carried out in the autumn of 2015. This is an improvement compared to the customer satisfaction survey conducted in the spring of 2015 (7.83).

In total, 151 respondents (96 and 55, respectively) took part in the two surveys in 2015.

The results of the second survey (autumn 2015) are slightly higher on all scores compared to the first survey (spring 2015). In the second survey, respondents mainly expressed their satisfaction about the packaging, carrier and billing information.
The departments Product Development, Sales, Customer Service and Marketing all get a good review. However, respondents also indicated areas of improvement (including mobile fitting service, information via website), which Emma has already addressed.
While there were two customer satisfaction surveys in 2015, this year, everything is being condensed into one survey that is held in the second half of 2016. “A score of 7.95 in 2015 is certainly not bad”, says Marketing Manager Pascal van Ophoven. “This year, we are raising the bar even higher. We will go for an 8 …”